Marina Otero – Future Storage: on digital preservation and data decay 

24 February I 14:30 (CET-1)

Future Storage: on digital preservation and data decay 

The world is experiencing an unprecedented demand for data storage. Data centre capacity dictates the rhythms of everyday life. 

It is critical to fields such as planning, climate science, and healthcare and fundamental to delivering developments in AI, the Internet of Things, 

and the Metaverse – which demand vast amounts of data stored for extended periods. As digital-data production is outpacing the scalability 

of today’s storage solutions, data centre architecture becomes a critical site of investment and innovation. This thriving industry, however,

 is dependent on extractivist practices and involves vast energy consumption, land occupation, and CO2 emissions. It is fuelled by outdated 

notions of progress and endless growth. As a result, creating these profit-driven digital worlds results in the degradation 

of communities and ecosystems and puts the only world we all inhabit at risk. In this lecture we will explore alternative architecture paradigms for storing data.

Zoom link: | 14h30 CET -1 time (Portugal=

Thomas Daniell – The School of Ashes

10th February

14:30 CET-1

Zoom link:

Title: The School of Ashes

Thomas Daniell

Sinopse:The Japanese word yakeato literally means “ashes” (or more poetically, “charred ruins”). Those people who witnessed the incendiary and atomic bombings during the final months of the Second World War as children, and became adults during the deprivations of the immediate postwar period, are known as the yakeato generation. In many cases, they were able to sublimate these traumas into a recognised artistic sensibility that is present across all genres, from a perverse nihilism among novelists to the disturbing and cathartic activities of performance artists. During the postwar decades, architecture was the field with the most conflicted relationship to yakeato, given its mandate to rebuild those charred ruins and prevent their recurrence. Architects from the yakeatogeneration frequently mention the war and its aftermath as an inspiration for their work – in fact, the founders of the Metabolist movement originally intended to call themselves the Yakeato-ha (School of Ashes) before settling on their more optimistic name. This talk will examine the relationships between the writings and buildings of the yakeato generation, and their resonance in Japan in the aftermath of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdown.BioThomas Daniell is Professor of Architectural Theory and Criticism at Kyoto University, Japan. His books include FOBA: Buildings (Princeton Architectural Press, 2005), After the Crash: Architecture in Post-Bubble Japan (Princeton Architectural Press, 2008), Houses and Gardens of Kyoto (Tuttle, 2010; second edition 2018), Kiyoshi Sey Takeyama + Amorphe (Equal Books, 2011), Kansai 6 (Equal Books, 2011), and An Anatomy of Influence (AA Publications, 2018).

Andrew Ballantyne – “Bassae and the Fled Gods” | 27 de Janeiro, 14h30

Universidade Lusófona ( @ulusofona ) do Porto e Lisboa em articulação com  Manchester School of Architecture – @manchester_architecture – e Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade de Liubliana – @univerza_v_ljubljani, organizam um Ciclo Internacional de Conferências online – *Architecture: Design and Research International Seminar* – , dedicado às doutorandas e aos doutorandos das três instituições e aberto a todas e todos os interessados, acessível via zoom! 


Lusofona University – @ulusofona of Porto and Lisbon together with the Manchester School of Architecture – @manchester_architecture – and University of Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture – @univerza_v_ljubljani, organise an online International Conference Cycle – *Architecture: Design and Research International Seminar* – , dedicated to doctoral students and open to all interested! Join us via Zoom!

Organização / Organisation:

@ananeivaa, @mariaritapais, Carlos Guimarães, Dana Arnold, @hugonazarethfernandes, @monochrome_architects, Tadeja Zupancic

Architecture Research: Theory, History and Practice

The seminars are a new research collaboration between the Manchester School of Architecture, Liubliana University and Lusófona University (Porto and Lisbon). The online sessions comprising talks about ongoing research followed by questions and discussion are open access. The seminars aim to encourage academic exchange between researchers and postgraduate students working in cognate areas. The intention of the project is to build an international network of shared interest across the architectural sector, to think critically and philosophically about architecture, design and research to foster new forms of research enquiry.

Andrew Ballantyne – “Bassae and the Fled Gods” | 27 de Janeiro, 14h30

Andrew Ballantyne will reflect on how we have a tendency to see Greek temples through the lens of the Picturesque.

Andrew Ballantyne practised as an architect and has been a researcher in architecture, architectural theory and architectural history. He was appointed Professor of Architecture at Newcastle University in 2000 and has supervised PhDs and assessed architecture submissions to the Research Excellence Framework. His research works include Tudoresque: In Pursuit of the Ideal Home (with Andrew Law, 2011) and Architecture, Landscape and Liberty: Richard Payne Knight and the Picturesque (1997). He is best known for Architecture: A Very Short Introduction (2002). He would like you to know about his new book, Classical Architecture (2023).

Zoom link:

Future Storage: on digital preservation and data decay

Esta semana partilho uma vez mais o convite para seguirem a conferência de Maria Otero, sexta-feira, 24 de Fevereiro às 14h30, a terceira sessão do Ciclo de Internacional de Conferências – Architecture: Design and Research International Seminar – , dedicado às doutorandas e doutorandos da Universidade Lusófona, 

Porto e Lisboa, em articulação com as universidades de Manchester – Manchester School of Architecture – e Liubliana – Univerza Ljubljani, e aberto a todas e todos os interessados.

Title: Future Storage: on digital preservation and data decay 

Zoom link: | 14h30 CET -1 time (Portugal)


The world is experiencing an unprecedented demand for data storage. Data centre capacity dictates the rhythms of everyday life. It is critical to fields such as planning, climate science, and healthcare and fundamental to delivering developments in AI, the Internet of Things,  and the Metaverse – which demand vast amounts of data stored for extended periods. As digital-data production is outpacing the scalability of today’s storage solutions, data centre architecture becomes a critical site of investment and innovation. This thriving industry, however, is dependent on extractivist practices and involves vast energy consumption, land occupation, and CO2 emissions. It is fuelled by outdated notions of progress and endless growth. As a result, creating these profit-driven digital worlds results in the degradation
of communities and ecosystems and puts the only world we all inhabit at risk. In this lecture we will explore alternative architecture paradigms for storing data.

About Marina Otero: 

Marina Otero Verzier holds a PhD in Architecture. She was the Director of Research at Het Nieuwe Instituut and Director of Master in Social Design at Design Academy Eindhoven. Her curatorial practice includes projects such as the Oslo Architecture Triennale (2016), the Dutch Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale (2018) and the 13th Shanghai Art Biennial (2021). She was Director of Global Network Programming at Studio-X (Columbia GSAPP). She has co-edited “Unmanned: Architecture and Security Series” (2016), “More-than-Human” (2020) and “Lithium: States of Exhaustion” (2021), among others. She has taught at ETSA Madrid, Royal College of Arts (London), Columbia University (New York), among others. In 2022 she won the 2022 Wheelwright Prize from Harvard Graduate School of Design with the proposal “Future Storage: Architectures to host the Metaverse”.

Tese 1 | Ciclo de Aulas Abertas


Contributo para uma reflexão no âmbito de Metodologias de Investigação de 3º Ciclo em Arquitectura – Universidade Lusófona


#1 Pensar sobre maneiras de trabalho

#2 Pensar sobre questões do ambiente em volta

#3 Pensar, novamente, sobre maneiras de trabalho

João Soares

Arquitecto pela FAUP e doutorado pelo IUAV é professor associado no Departamento de Arquitectura_Escola de Artes da Universidade de Évora.

Director do Departamento de Arquitectura e Coordenador da Linha de Investigação em Arquitectura do CHAIA, dirigiu o programa de Doutoramento entre 2013 e 2020.

Desde o início do percurso de ensino na UÉvora, em 2004, integrou as diferentes equipas de construção dos Planos de Estudo e correspondentes relatórios (PERA) do Departamento de Arquitectura – do MI e PhD.

Comissário de exposições de Arquitectura: “Disegnare nelle Città”, com Álvaro Siza e Gabriele Basilico; “Siza, uma Malagueira plural”; “Polska Arkitectur”.

Traduz regularmente textos de crítica de Arquitectura do italiano para o português: “Contra a Arquitetura” (Caleidoscópio); “Mendes da Rocha uma Veneza imaginada” (Dafne).

Integra a programação da Rádio Antecâmara – projecto pioneiro de Pedro Campos Costa – onde realiza o programa “Memorial de Ares, experiências contadas do espaço”.

Colabora com o diário digital “Algarve Informativo”, onde é autor das “Memórias do Polvo”.

Enquadra a investigação que desenvolve no âmbito das relações entre prática e ensino/aprendizagem, convocando a fertilidade da experiência no acto de pensar e operar arquitectonicamente. As questões de processo e da relação entre o domínio racional e prático são centrais, ocupando a dimensão peripatética particular relevância.