Mohammed Bazine Boubezari
Docente Investigador ARQ.ID | Coordenador Mestrado e Doutoramento URBANISMO
Co-Editor with Carlos Guimarães and Editor Manager of arquitecturas, Bianual Journal of Architecture.
CienciaVitae | ReaserchGate | LISBON SOUNDSCAPES
Architect Researcher at Lusófona University in Lisbon.
PhD. in architecture, University of Nantes, architectural and urban ambiances option. Project Coordinator at Parque EXPO where he managed the study of the Algiers PDAU (Urban Planning Project and Strategy) from 2013 to 2017, with a vision for 20 years 2015-2035. Project Manager for the preparation of the Rehabilitation Operations of the Medina of Meknes in Morocco for the B.E.I. He collaborated on several researches, notably on mediated sociability at the beginning of Internet practices. He worked on sound comfort in the inhabited milieu whose thesis is published. Has filed a patent from which he spent several years developing a predictive method of representing the soundscape, first with a grant of postdoc (FCT) and after with a granted investigation project (FCT) eyeHear Soundscapes. He is an international consultant in soundscape. Was consultant until Feb 2019, to the Wilaya of Algiers and CNERU on the question of the Plan of Algiers and the waterfront of the city.