International PhD Seminar 2022/23 – Architecture Design and Research

The PhD in Architecture from Lusófona University, Manchester School of Architecture and University of Ljubljana invites you to the Doctoral Class included in the International Seminar Architecture: Design and Research. The Seminar gather a series of online SEMINARS for researchers and postgraduate students organised by Prof Maria Rita Pais, Prof Ana Neiva, Prof Carlos Guimarães, Prof Dana Arnold, Prof. Tadeja Zupančič and Prof. Spela Hudnik. The seminars are a new research collaboration between the Manchester School of Architecture, the Universidade Lusófona and the University of Ljubljana.
This week: 27 January 2022 at 14:30 (Lisbon time)
Andrew Ballantyne – “Bassae and the Fled Gods”
Zoom link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/98897873155
Please, feel invited to participate.