Isabel Clara Neves

Docente Investigadora ARQ.ID

CienciaVitae | ORCID

Isabel Clara Neves (Porto, 1980) has a degree in Architecture from the Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP) (2004), a Master’s degree in Modern and Contemporary Architectural Culture from Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade de Lisboa (FAUL) (2009), and a PhD in Theory and History of Architecture from Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade de Lisboa (FAUL) (2015). Since her Master’s research she has been exploring the theory of modern and contemporary architecture from a technological perspective, identifying and reflecting on some of the cultural, historical and technological contexts that have influenced the emergence of computational practices in architecture. At the moment she is developing a Postdoctoral research at the Pennsylvania State University College of Arts and Architecture, Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra (CES) and Centro de Estudos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (CEAU/FAUP), with the support of a fellowship by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), with the thesis “Construction of a Computational Perspective in Architecture. The Portuguese Counterpoint”. She was the founder of “NEXUS”, an interdisciplinary architecture research magazine, and has published articles in several magazines and books including “Casa International Magazine”, “Mesa” book “Eduardo Souto Moura – 30 years, selected projects”, “Swissport’09 catalogue”, “TRENDS”, “ROOF magazine”, “Revista de Partes”, “Plataforma Radar”, “Archdaily”, and “LAMAG” magazine. She has written and presented papers for conferences and scientific journals such as “eCAADe”, “CAADRIA”, “SIGraDI”, “PARC”, “JOURNAL IJAC” and “xCoAx”, and was a guest speaker in events and conferences such as “Campus Ultzama 2012”, “Iberian Architecture – Reencuentros e Tallers”, “Arquibio”, and “Estratégia Urbana”. She also has coordinated and organized events such as “DIGITALDARQ _ Encounters with the Past and Future of Architecture”, “SwissPort’09 Conference”, “MESA”, and “Future Traditions”. She worked in Eduardo Souto Moura’s office from 2006 to 2010, taught a course “Industrial Design” at the Master’s at the Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave Escola Superior de Tecnologia (IPCA), in 2011-2016, at Rome University of Fine Arts (RUFA) in 2018, and is an invited assistant professor at Escola Superior de Artes e Design (ESAD) since 2016. Since 2014, she has been research thesis supervisor, as well as being scientific committee member for conferences like “ON THE SURFACE: PHOTOGRAPHY ON ARCHITECTURE – Visual Spaces of Change: unveiling the publicness of urban space” and scientific reviewer for academic journals like “Sophia Journal”, among others. She won the 13ª edição do Prémio Fernando Távora (13th edition of Fernando Távora Prize) in 2018, winning a travel grant for a research trip with the proposal “Computational Cultural Stories in Architecture”, a construction of a critical vision on the influence of computational technology in architecture. This research was presented publicly in a ceremony held in Matosinhos city hall. She was a curator for “Porto Design Biennale 2019” event, within which she coordinated the “Black Box – Stories of the Future” cycle of talks, with guest speakers Mario Carpo, Fabio Gramazio, Areti Markopoulou and Georg Vrachliotis. A conference/debate on digital culture that promoted a critical perspective on the influence of computational technology on architecture and design. She is an editor for the event’s book, with a selection of exclusive texts from the guests, including first-time published Walter Gropius and Christopher Alexander’s articles from 1964. Her last publication was the “Abordagem Científica ao Projecto de Arquitetura. Desde as Racionalidades Modernas. Entre Europa e Estados Unidos da América” (2019) book about digital culture in architecture, published with the Ordem dos Arquitectos Secção Regional Norte (OASRN) support. She was a scientific coordinator and organizer of “Computational Culture in Architecture: The Portuguese Counterpoint” seminar at CEAU.

Áreas de Interesse : 

Projeto de Arquitetura; Cultura Digital na Arquitetura;
Teoria e história da Arquitetura do século XX e XXI

Ligia Nunes

Ligia Nunes is graduated in Architecture by FAUTL – Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Portugal and a PhD in Heritage and Architectural Rehabilitation by the Construction Department of ETSA – Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura, Coruña, España. Architecture teacher since 1997 in the areas of Project, Theory, History of Architecture and Cooperation for Development in Architecture is an assistant professor at ULP – Universidade Lusófona do Porto. Cooperates with ISCTE – IUL – Instituto Universitario de Lisboa in post-graduated courses in the field of cooperation. Cathedra Unesco on Heritage. Founded ASF_Portugal – Arquitectos Sem Fronteiras Portugal that were funding members of “Architecture Sans Frontières International” and is the chair person of ASF – International.


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Alberto Flavio Monteiro Lopes


Architect, graduated from the Lisbon School of Fine Arts in 1978. PhD in Architecture from the University of Beira Interior, in 2011. Technician of the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage (Ministry of Culture). He held several management positions in the area of safeguarding cultural heritage, namely:

Lisbon Regional Director of the Portuguese Institute of Architectural and Archaeological Heritage, between 1992 and 1997 and between 2003 and 2007.

Coordinator of the Cultural Tourism Increment Program, between 1997 and 2003.

Director of the Department of Architectural Heritage, of the Portuguese Institute of Cultural Heritage, between 1990 and 1992.



Architectural heritage  | Urban rehabilitation



  • Lisboa: Arquitetura contemporânea e cidade antiga. Lisboa: Caleidoscópio, 2020, ISBN 978-989-658-649-2.
  • Zonas de proteção ao património arquitetónico: Para que servem?. Lisboa: Caleidoscópio, 2013, ISBN 978-989-658-231-9.
  • Património arquitetónico e arqueológico: Noção e normas de proteção. Lisboa: Caleidoscópio, 2012, ISBN 978-989-658-190-9.
  • Cartas e convenções internacionais. Lisboa: IPPAR, 1996. ISBN 972-8087-21-7.
  • Legislação nacional. Lisboa: IPPAR, 1996. ISBN 972-8087-20-9.
  • Critérios de classificação de bens imóveis. Lisboa: IPPAR, 1996. ISBN 972-8087-25-X.
  • Património arquitetónico e arqueológico. Lisboa: IPPAR, 1994. ISBN 972-8087-13-6.
  • Inventário do património arquitetónico e arqueológico. Lisboa: IPPAR, 1993. ISBN 972-95814-1-X.



Ana Neiva


PhD Architect, Professor and Researcher. Invited Assistant Professor at FCAATI – University Lusófona of Porto and at the Faculty of Architcture of University of Porto. She was visiting professor at the Technical University of Munich (2019) and has participated as author and speaker in international congresses and conferences.

Neiva is a founding member of the research group “Narratives of the Educational Project in Architecture” at CEAU-FAUP and vice-director of Arq. ID – Architecture, Research and Development at Universidade Lusófona.

She was curator of the exhibitions “Porto – The City, the School and the masters” for UABB 2015 (Shenzhen, China), “Lo studio Ginoulhiac – 10 Anni. 10 Case. 10 Temi di Architettura” (Bergamo and Porto, 2019) and co-author of the exhibition project for the exhibition “Vicente. The Myth in Lisbon” (Lisbon, 2019).

She has co-organized events such as “Ludic Architecture – IV International Meeting on Educational Devices and Spaces in Architecture” (2017) and “International Conference Cycle Context(s) in Contemporary Architecture: 5 Continents” (2018-2019). Besides her academic career she works as a practitioner architect at diverse programmes and scales of intervention.


Architecture Exhibitions, Exhibition Design, Spatial Practices, Curatorial Studies, Curation, Education, Mediation, Immersive Installations, Health and Wellbeing



  • Ginoulhiac, Marco; Neiva, Ana; Rodrigues. José Miguel. (eds). 2019. O atelier Ginoulhiac. 10 anos, 10 casas, 10 temas de arquitectura | The Ginoulhiac atelier. 10 years, 10 houses, 10 themes of architecture. Porto: Faculdade de Arqui¬tectura da Universidade do Porto. ISBN: 978-989-8527-39-4.
  • Neiva, Ana; Ginoulhiac, Marco; Coelho, Rodrigo. (eds.) 2017. Ludic Architecture. Porto: Centro de Estudos de Arquite¬tura e Urbanismo, Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto. ISBN: 9788496712553

Peer reviewed book chapters

  • Neiva, Ana. “From Fantasy to Experimentation: The one-to-one scale in Architecture Exhibitions”. Kong, Mário S. M. Monteiro, Maria R. (eds.). 2019. Intelligence, creativity and fantasy, 5th International Multidisciplinary Congress PHI. London: Taylor & Francis Group. 106-111. ISBN 9780367277192 | Doi:
  • Neiva, Ana. Dias, José Cabral. “A perspective on the Portuguese identity: the idea of modernity. A exposição do Mundo Português and Expo’98”. Kong, Mário S. M. Monteiro, Maria R. (eds.). 2019. Modernity, Frontiers and Revo¬lutions, 4th International Multidisciplinary Congress (PHI 2018), London: Taylor & Francisc Group. 145–151. ISBN 9780367023973 | Doi:

Conference Proceedings

  • Neiva, Ana. “Deutsches ArchitekturMuseum’s “Architektur im 20. Jahrhundert” exhibition cycle. A synthesis on Modern European architecture at the edge of the new Millennium”. Tostões, Ana; Yamana, Yoshiyuki (eds.) 2021. The 16th Inter¬national Docomomo Conference Tokyo Japan 2020+1 Proceedings. Tokyo. ISBN 734-740-978-4-904700-76-13

Book chapters

  • Neiva, Ana. “Entre a Curadoria e a Educação: processos de mediação em Arquitetura”. Neiva, Ana; Ginoulhiac, Marco; Coelho, Rodrigo. 2017. Ludic Architecture. Porto: Centro de Estudos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto. 120-129.

Peer reviewed Scientific Journals

  • Neiva, Ana; Viana, Marta; Gomes, João Nuno. “Petites Follies”: Other Landscapes over Douro. UOU Scientific Jour¬nal. . Issue #02 December 2021. Sofia Aleixo (ed.). Follies. Alicante: University of Universities. ISSN: 2697-1518 | DOI: 10.14198/UOU.2021.2

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Elói Figueiredo

CienciaVitaePersonal Website

PhD in Civil Engineering (2010), Associate Professor and head of the Civil Research Group at the Lusófona University in Lisbon. Eloi has teached courses in the field of statics and dynamics of structures; has worked on structural health monitoring (SHM) of bridges rooted on a statistical pattern recognition paradigm; and has over 150 publications on SHM and opinion articles to promote science in the society. He has been invited speaker in several conferences, seminars, and international meetings.


Structural health monitoring, machine learning, finite element modeling, bridge management

  • Ramos, C.M.; Figueiredo, E. (2020). “Engenharia Civil: Uma perspetiva sobre a formação e a profissão”. Edições Universitárias Lusófonas. ISBN 978-989-757-133-6.
  • Figueiredo, E.; Moldovan, I.; Santos, A.; Campos, P; Costa, J.C.W.A. (2019). Finite element-based machine learning approach to detect damage in bridges under operational and environmental variations. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 24(7): 04019061.
  • Figueiredo, E.; Radu, L.; Worden, K.; Farrar, C.R. (2014). A Bayesian Approach based on a Markov-chain Monte Carlo Method for Damage Detection under Unknown Sources of Variability. Engineering Structures, 80, 1-10.
  • Figueiredo, E.; Cross, E. (2013). Linear Approaches to Modeling Nonlinearities in Long-term Monitoring of Bridges. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 3(3), 187-194.
  • Figueiredo, E.; Park, G.; Farrar, C. R.; Worden, K.; Figueiras, J. (2011). Machine Learning Algorithms for Damage Detection under Operational and Environmental Variability. International Journal of Structural Health Monitoring, 10(6), 559-572.
  • Figueiredo, E.; Todd, M. D.; Farrar, C. R.; Flynn, E. (2010). Autoregressive Modeling with State-space Embedding Vectors for Damage Detection under Operational and Environmental Variability. International Journal of Engineering Science, 48, 822-834.
  • ClimaBridge – “Impact of climate change on the structural health of bridges”, 2021, EEA Grants Portugal, FBR_OC1_101_COFAC. Financiamento: 12.500,00€, Investigador Responsável: Elói Figueiredo. Instituição proponente: Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. Instituições participantes: Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) e Infraestruturas de Portugal (IP).
  • QUANTI – “Quantificação de danos em estruturas compostas com inteligência artificial e simulações numéricas”, 2020, ao abrigo do concurso FCT/CAPES (2019.00164.CBM). Investigador Responsável: Nuno Maia (Instituto Superior Técnico). Coordenadores de cada instituição: Elói Figueiredo (ULHT), João Pedro Martins (Universidade de Coimbra), Samuel da Silva (UNESP, Brasil), Carlos Cimini Junior (UFMG, Brasil), João Weyl (UFPA, Brasil). Financiamento conjunto: 9.000,00€ (PT) + $R200.000,00 (BR).
  • Projeto Reconhecer – “Inventariação das obras de arte do concelho de Barcelos”. Câmara Municipal de Barcelos. Financiamento aprovado: 29.985,00€ + IVA. Elói Figueiredo (Investigador Responsável) e Luís O. Santos (LNEC, investigador co-responsável), 2019.