Pedro Ressano Garcia
Associate Professor
Pedro Ressano Garcia (1967) is an architect who divides his time between research, teaching and the practice of architecture. He is currently sharing his time between projects of architecture and urban design and the development of studies and ideas, for him research nourishes practice, teaching inspires both and his production is influenced by all three. Garcia has lived and worked in various waterfront cities, Barcelona, Lisbon, Quebec, Oporto, Rio de Janeiro, San Francisco.
In 1995 at Berkeley, he received his Master’s degree in architecture supported by a Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation full grant. He began teaching at the University of California, Berkeley in 1996. In 2008 received his PhD Degree from Universidade Portucalense, Porto, in partnership with Architectural Association Graduate School, London, on the subject of waterfronts.
Garcia has published widely in books, magazines, international conferences, he is a visiting scholar at international conferences and workshops. In 2010 he started coordinating the European Workshops on Waterfront Urban Design and he is currently the coordinator of the H2020 MSCA-RISE, linking research and innovation on waterfront through technology for excellence of resilience to face climate change.