Mário Júlio Teixeira Krüger
Full Professor
Mário Júlio Teixeira Krüger is Full Professor at the Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies and Retired Full Professor at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra and Researcher at the Centre ARQ.id. With several printed books and numerous articles in national and international magazines, as well as communications at congresses and scientific meetings. He published the book “Comentários à Arte Edificatória de Leon Battista Alberti”, was co-responsible for the Portuguese-language edition of De re aedificatoria, as well as coordinator of the research project Alberti Digital, funded by FCT, which aimed to trace, in a computational environment and through the construction of a generative grammar of form, the influence of that treaty on the disciplinary heritage of Classical Architecture in Portugal.
- Computing and Built Forms.
- Classical and Quattrocento Literature.
- Written and built work by Leon Battista Alberti.
- Theory of Classical Architecture.
- Krüger, Mário (2021), “Do anonimato à autoria de Hypnerotomachia Poliphili face aos contributos de Leonardo Crasso, Gian Battista Scita e Andrea Marone”, Humanística, Paris, 25 pp. No prelo.
- Krüger, Mário (2019), “Contexto, Subtexto e Intertextualidade no De re Aedificatoria”, Parte 2. Albertiana. Pisa-Roma, 1, pp. 61-101.
- Krüger, Mário (2018) “Contexto, subtexto e intertextualidade no De re aedificatoria”, Albertiana, Parte 1, Pisa-Roma, XXI, 2018, 1, pp. 11-27.
- Krüger, Mário (2014), Comentários à Arte Edificatória de Leon Battista Alberti. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 378 pp. (ISBN 978-989-26-0647-7).
- Logic of Design Process in Modern and Classical Architecture
- P5187@ulusofona.pt (não usado normalmente)
- mjtk478@gmail.com (usado normalmente)
- Société Internationale Leon Battista Alberti, PARIS (http://www.silba.msh-paris.fr).
- Space Syntax Network, LONDRES (http://www.spacesyntax.net/software/).