Kathleen Chakraborty – “Expanding Agency: Researching the Diversity of Women’s Contributions to the Global Dissemination of Modern Architecture”

Lusofona University – @ulusofona of Porto and Lisbon together with the Manchester School of Architecture – @manchester_architecture – and University of Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture – @univerza_v_ljubljani, organise an online International Conference Cycle – *Architecture: Design and Research International Seminar* – , dedicated to doctoral students and open to all interested! Join us via Zoom!
Architecture Research: Theory, History and Practice
The seminars are a new research collaboration between the Manchester School of Architecture, Liubliana University and Lusófona University (Porto and Lisbon). The online sessions comprising talks about ongoing research followed by questions and discussion are open access. The seminars aim to encourage academic exchange between researchers and postgraduate students working in cognate areas. The intention of the project is to build an international network of shared interest across the architectural sector, to think critically and philosophically about architecture, design and research to foster new forms of research enquiry.21 April
Kathleen Chakraborty – “Expanding Agency: Researching the Diversity of Women’s Contributions to the Global Dissemination of Modern Architecture”? | 21 April, 14h30