Isabel Clara Neves
Docente Investigadora ARQ.ID
Isabel Clara Neves (Porto, 1980) has a degree in Architecture from the Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP) (2004), a Master’s degree in Modern and Contemporary Architectural Culture from Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade de Lisboa (FAUL) (2009), and a PhD in Theory and History of Architecture from Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade de Lisboa (FAUL) (2015). Since her Master’s research she has been exploring the theory of modern and contemporary architecture from a technological perspective, identifying and reflecting on some of the cultural, historical and technological contexts that have influenced the emergence of computational practices in architecture. At the moment she is developing a Postdoctoral research at the Pennsylvania State University College of Arts and Architecture, Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra (CES) and Centro de Estudos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (CEAU/FAUP), with the support of a fellowship by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), with the thesis “Construction of a Computational Perspective in Architecture. The Portuguese Counterpoint”. She was the founder of “NEXUS”, an interdisciplinary architecture research magazine, and has published articles in several magazines and books including “Casa International Magazine”, “Mesa” book “Eduardo Souto Moura – 30 years, selected projects”, “Swissport’09 catalogue”, “TRENDS”, “ROOF magazine”, “Revista de Partes”, “Plataforma Radar”, “Archdaily”, and “LAMAG” magazine. She has written and presented papers for conferences and scientific journals such as “eCAADe”, “CAADRIA”, “SIGraDI”, “PARC”, “JOURNAL IJAC” and “xCoAx”, and was a guest speaker in events and conferences such as “Campus Ultzama 2012”, “Iberian Architecture – Reencuentros e Tallers”, “Arquibio”, and “Estratégia Urbana”. She also has coordinated and organized events such as “DIGITALDARQ _ Encounters with the Past and Future of Architecture”, “SwissPort’09 Conference”, “MESA”, and “Future Traditions”. She worked in Eduardo Souto Moura’s office from 2006 to 2010, taught a course “Industrial Design” at the Master’s at the Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave Escola Superior de Tecnologia (IPCA), in 2011-2016, at Rome University of Fine Arts (RUFA) in 2018, and is an invited assistant professor at Escola Superior de Artes e Design (ESAD) since 2016. Since 2014, she has been research thesis supervisor, as well as being scientific committee member for conferences like “ON THE SURFACE: PHOTOGRAPHY ON ARCHITECTURE – Visual Spaces of Change: unveiling the publicness of urban space” and scientific reviewer for academic journals like “Sophia Journal”, among others. She won the 13ª edição do Prémio Fernando Távora (13th edition of Fernando Távora Prize) in 2018, winning a travel grant for a research trip with the proposal “Computational Cultural Stories in Architecture”, a construction of a critical vision on the influence of computational technology in architecture. This research was presented publicly in a ceremony held in Matosinhos city hall. She was a curator for “Porto Design Biennale 2019” event, within which she coordinated the “Black Box – Stories of the Future” cycle of talks, with guest speakers Mario Carpo, Fabio Gramazio, Areti Markopoulou and Georg Vrachliotis. A conference/debate on digital culture that promoted a critical perspective on the influence of computational technology on architecture and design. She is an editor for the event’s book, with a selection of exclusive texts from the guests, including first-time published Walter Gropius and Christopher Alexander’s articles from 1964. Her last publication was the “Abordagem Científica ao Projecto de Arquitetura. Desde as Racionalidades Modernas. Entre Europa e Estados Unidos da América” (2019) book about digital culture in architecture, published with the Ordem dos Arquitectos Secção Regional Norte (OASRN) support. She was a scientific coordinator and organizer of “Computational Culture in Architecture: The Portuguese Counterpoint” seminar at CEAU.
Projeto de Arquitetura; Cultura Digital na Arquitetura;
Teoria e história da Arquitetura do século XX e XXI