Hugo Nazareth Fernandes
Since 2019 – Permanent Member of the Arq.ID scientific committee.
Since 2016 – Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture and Urbanism – Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias – Lisbon (PT). Coordinator of the scientific area of urbanism. Courses of Doctoral Degree in Architecture and Doctoral Degree in Urbanism. Jury member and thesis tutor. Organization and participation in international scientific projects, seminars and conferences.
Since 1999 – Assistant Professor at the Master Degree Course in Architecture – ISMAT, Portimão / Grupo Lusófona(PT).
2015/2018 – Guest Professor at EAC – École Supérieure d’Architecture de Casablanca (MA). Courses of History of Architecture and Urbanism. Organization of conferences and workshops.
2004/2007 – Lecturer at Universidade Moderna (Setúbal/PT).
Since 1999 he has developed projects in architecture and urban planning. Founder coordinator at Hugo Nazareth Fernandes Arquitectos Associados (Lisbon, PT). Member of the Portuguese Order of Architects.
Architectural project; design methodologies, geometry and mechanisms of architectural composition; urbanism and urban rehabilitation; urban morphology and urban design; history and theory of architecture; history and theory of urbanism; sustainable development in architecture and urbanism; industrial architecture; industrial archeology; urban sketching; music composition.
– António Varela o Legado do Invisível, Editora Caleidoscópio, Coll. “Pensar Arquitectura”, Lisboa, 2013 [monography, 280 pp.], ISBN: 978-989-658-225-8 (resumed adaptation of the homonymous thesis, 2nd PRIZE ICAR CORA 2011 – International Council for Architectural Research – ICAR-CORA PRIZE 2011 for Best Doctoral Thesis).
– António Varela ou do Arquitecto à Sombra de Gigantes ao Legado do Invisível, in Nós e os outros [chapter in exhibition catalog, 14 pp.], [coord. S. Leandro], Mimo – Museu da Imagem em Movimento, Ed. Câmara Municipal de Leiria, Leiria, 2018-2019, ISBN 978-972-8043-71-1.
– Tradition and modernity on fundamentals and diversities of Mediterranean architecture, in JOURNAL OF DESIGN FOR RESILIENCE IN ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING Volume 2, Issue 1, (17-27), 2021, www.drarch.org [article, 10 pp.]. E-ISSN: 2757-6329.