Graça Correia Ragazzi
Invited Professor at FAUP and Associate Professor at FCATI, ULP.
Graça Correia founded CORREIA/RAGAZZI ARQUITECTOS in 2005 with Roberto Ragazzi. She graduated from FAUP (Faculdade de Arquitectura do Porto) in 1989 and until 1995 collaborated with Eduardo Souto de Moura. Started her individual trajectory as an architect and in 2000 begins a partnership with Eduardo Souto de Moura developing several co-authored projects, namely the ongoing Rehabilitation of the Robinson Factoryin Portalegre. Defended her PhD thesis in 2006 at the UPC (Universitat Politécnica da Catalunha) which made the final selection for the ARQUIA 2007 Competition. Was a member of the Portuguese Architects Association from 2005 until 2013. Graça has been invited to integrate juries, give lectures and conferences in Portugal and abroad. Published several articles and in 2008 the book RuyAthouguia: A Modernidade em Aberto; in 2013 was invited to publish the book Ruy D’Athouguia as a part of a collection on Portuguese architects. Graça has received several distinctions, national and international awards.
Alongside her architecture practice has been teaching since 1990 at several universities; at the moment teaches at FAUP and integrates the new direction board of the architecture graduate degree at Universidade Lusófona, Porto.
- Art and Architecture
- 2008 – Title book RUY ATHOUGUIA – A MODERNIDADE EM ABERTO, Editora Caleidoscópio, ISBN: 978-989-8129-39-0
- 2010 – Title article “ Portalegre – reconversion of the Robinson Cork Factory” in Archaeology’s places and contemporary uses, Università IUAV di Venezia, ISBN: 978-88-87697-10-0
- 2012 – Title article “Concurso para o Plano Geral de Ordenamento e Requalificação do Espaço Robinson” in Concursos de Arquitectura – Série: Arquitectura Y Urbanismo, Universidad de Valladolid, ISBN: 978-989-640-106-1
- 2012 – Title article “Edifícios Monumentales como Esculturas Públicas” in CIAB 5 Congresso Internacional de Arquitectura Blanca, General de Ediciones de Arquitectura, ISBN: 978-84-939845-3-3
- p4615@ulp.pt