Edite Rosa
Associate Professor
Ph.D degree in Architecture, University of Polytechnic of Catalonia, School of Architecture (ETSAB-UPC), 2006.
Has a degree in Architecture, Oporto School of Architecture (FAUP), 1991. Obtained a scholarship grant, FCT-MES for PhD studies in the PhD Program of the Department of Architectural Projects of ETSAB (Barcelona School of Architecture) of University of Polytechnic of Catalonia.
Professor of 2º and 3º cycle of Architectural Studies of Theory and Design Studio of Architecture, both at the University of Lusófona of Oporto (ULP) and at University of Beira Interior (UBI).
PhD researcher at the laboratory Arq.ID, (Architecture Research and Development of Lusófona universitY ) and at the Center for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU) of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (2011) as part of the Atlas da Casa Group.
She has published articles concerning theory and practice of contemporary architecture in International journals and Conferences (docomomo international, CA2RE+, etc.) and has given conferences, communications and participated in national and international workshops.
She has Professional practice since 1991, in collaboration with Álvaro Siza office as coordinator of design project team of several works (Library of University of Aveiro, Marco de Canaveses Church and Parish Center, Town Square (Plaza) and parking of Momadona in Guimarães, Town Square (Plaza) and parking, General plan and Dweling of Felgueiras municipality, etc).
Founded her architecture office in 1998 in Oporto (erja-arquitectos). She is author and co-author of projects of a diverse nature (housing, public equipment buildings, planning and design of urban space), having obtained several prizes and mentions (shortlist) in several public competitions.