Between the Village and the Jungle. Stratifications of borderline (in)hospitality.
by Giuseppina Scavuzzo
Tomorrow, at 14:30 (Lisbon, CET-1)

Here: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/98897873155
Multidisciplinary studies dealing with migration phenomena have highlighted the particular historical stratification of flows of people passing through the border areas of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, in Italy. It is a succession of movements of subjects – defined one after the other: deportees, exiles, refugees, migrants – which also includes the current migration flow from the Balkan route. Because of this phenomenon, the term ‘profuganze’ was coined from the words ‘refugee’, in Italian ‘profughi’, and ‘transhumance’ – the periodic and seasonal movement of herds – to represent the constantly recurring waves of people in transit. The talk examines how the phenomenon of the ‘profuganze’ has been spatialised and stratified over time. All places for temporary collective housing show what makes architecture inhospitable, what makes housing a label of marginalisation, how identity features can make architecture homely and how, on the contrary, they can mark exclusion. Institutional places of refugee reception and control, oscillating between humanitarian reason and security logic, contrast with unauthorised settlements where housing becomes a practise of resistance to institutionalised life and displacement.
Giuseppina Scavuzzo is associate professor of Architectural design at University of Trieste where she is Director of the MSc in Architecture. Her books include Senshome. Architecture and atypical sensitivities (Letteraventidue 2023), A Human Restoration. Architectural lessons from a border asylum (Letteraventidue 2021), Il Parco della guarigione infinita. Un dialogo tra architetura e psichiatria (Letteraventidue 2020).