PhD Architect, Professor and Researcher. Invited Assistant Professor at FCAATI – University Lusófona of Porto and at the Faculty of Architcture of University of Porto. She was visiting professor at the Technical University of Munich (2019) and has participated as author and speaker in international congresses and conferences.
Neiva is a founding member of the research group “Narratives of the Educational Project in Architecture” at CEAU-FAUP and vice-director of Arq. ID – Architecture, Research and Development at Universidade Lusófona.
She was curator of the exhibitions “Porto – The City, the School and the masters” for UABB 2015 (Shenzhen, China), “Lo studio Ginoulhiac – 10 Anni. 10 Case. 10 Temi di Architettura” (Bergamo and Porto, 2019) and co-author of the exhibition project for the exhibition “Vicente. The Myth in Lisbon” (Lisbon, 2019).
She has co-organized events such as “Ludic Architecture – IV International Meeting on Educational Devices and Spaces in Architecture” (2017) and “International Conference Cycle Context(s) in Contemporary Architecture: 5 Continents” (2018-2019). Besides her academic career she works as a practitioner architect at diverse programmes and scales of intervention.
Architecture Exhibitions, Exhibition Design, Spatial Practices, Curatorial Studies, Curation, Education, Mediation, Immersive Installations, Health and Wellbeing
Ginoulhiac, Marco; Neiva, Ana; Rodrigues. José Miguel. (eds). 2019. O atelier Ginoulhiac. 10 anos, 10 casas, 10 temas de arquitectura | The Ginoulhiac atelier. 10 years, 10 houses, 10 themes of architecture. Porto: Faculdade de Arqui¬tectura da Universidade do Porto. ISBN: 978-989-8527-39-4.
Neiva, Ana; Ginoulhiac, Marco; Coelho, Rodrigo. (eds.) 2017. Ludic Architecture. Porto: Centro de Estudos de Arquite¬tura e Urbanismo, Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto. ISBN: 9788496712553
Peer reviewed book chapters
Neiva, Ana. “From Fantasy to Experimentation: The one-to-one scale in Architecture Exhibitions”. Kong, Mário S. M. Monteiro, Maria R. (eds.). 2019. Intelligence, creativity and fantasy, 5th International Multidisciplinary Congress PHI. London: Taylor & Francis Group. 106-111. ISBN 9780367277192 | Doi:
Neiva, Ana. Dias, José Cabral. “A perspective on the Portuguese identity: the idea of modernity. A exposição do Mundo Português and Expo’98”. Kong, Mário S. M. Monteiro, Maria R. (eds.). 2019. Modernity, Frontiers and Revo¬lutions, 4th International Multidisciplinary Congress (PHI 2018), London: Taylor & Francisc Group. 145–151. ISBN 9780367023973 | Doi:
Conference Proceedings
Neiva, Ana. “Deutsches ArchitekturMuseum’s “Architektur im 20. Jahrhundert” exhibition cycle. A synthesis on Modern European architecture at the edge of the new Millennium”. Tostões, Ana; Yamana, Yoshiyuki (eds.) 2021. The 16th Inter¬national Docomomo Conference Tokyo Japan 2020+1 Proceedings. Tokyo. ISBN 734-740-978-4-904700-76-13
Book chapters
Neiva, Ana. “Entre a Curadoria e a Educação: processos de mediação em Arquitetura”. Neiva, Ana; Ginoulhiac, Marco; Coelho, Rodrigo. 2017. Ludic Architecture. Porto: Centro de Estudos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto. 120-129.
Peer reviewed Scientific Journals
Neiva, Ana; Viana, Marta; Gomes, João Nuno. “Petites Follies”: Other Landscapes over Douro. UOU Scientific Jour¬nal. . Issue #02 December 2021. Sofia Aleixo (ed.). Follies. Alicante: University of Universities. ISSN: 2697-1518 | DOI: 10.14198/UOU.2021.2
PhD in Civil Engineering (2010), Associate Professor and head of the Civil Research Group at the Lusófona University in Lisbon. Eloi has teached courses in the field of statics and dynamics of structures; has worked on structural health monitoring (SHM) of bridges rooted on a statistical pattern recognition paradigm; and has over 150 publications on SHM and opinion articles to promote science in the society. He has been invited speaker in several conferences, seminars, and international meetings.
Structural health monitoring, machine learning, finite element modeling, bridge management
Ramos, C.M.; Figueiredo, E. (2020). “Engenharia Civil: Uma perspetiva sobre a formação e a profissão”. Edições Universitárias Lusófonas. ISBN 978-989-757-133-6.
Figueiredo, E.; Moldovan, I.; Santos, A.; Campos, P; Costa, J.C.W.A. (2019). Finite element-based machine learning approach to detect damage in bridges under operational and environmental variations. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 24(7): 04019061.
Figueiredo, E.; Radu, L.; Worden, K.; Farrar, C.R. (2014). A Bayesian Approach based on a Markov-chain Monte Carlo Method for Damage Detection under Unknown Sources of Variability. Engineering Structures, 80, 1-10.
Figueiredo, E.; Cross, E. (2013). Linear Approaches to Modeling Nonlinearities in Long-term Monitoring of Bridges. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 3(3), 187-194.
Figueiredo, E.; Park, G.; Farrar, C. R.; Worden, K.; Figueiras, J. (2011). Machine Learning Algorithms for Damage Detection under Operational and Environmental Variability. International Journal of Structural Health Monitoring, 10(6), 559-572.
Figueiredo, E.; Todd, M. D.; Farrar, C. R.; Flynn, E. (2010). Autoregressive Modeling with State-space Embedding Vectors for Damage Detection under Operational and Environmental Variability. International Journal of Engineering Science, 48, 822-834.
ClimaBridge – “Impact of climate change on the structural health of bridges”, 2021, EEA Grants Portugal, FBR_OC1_101_COFAC. Financiamento: 12.500,00€, Investigador Responsável: Elói Figueiredo. Instituição proponente: Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. Instituições participantes: Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) e Infraestruturas de Portugal (IP).
QUANTI – “Quantificação de danos em estruturas compostas com inteligência artificial e simulações numéricas”, 2020, ao abrigo do concurso FCT/CAPES (2019.00164.CBM). Investigador Responsável: Nuno Maia (Instituto Superior Técnico). Coordenadores de cada instituição: Elói Figueiredo (ULHT), João Pedro Martins (Universidade de Coimbra), Samuel da Silva (UNESP, Brasil), Carlos Cimini Junior (UFMG, Brasil), João Weyl (UFPA, Brasil). Financiamento conjunto: 9.000,00€ (PT) + $R200.000,00 (BR).
Projeto Reconhecer – “Inventariação das obras de arte do concelho de Barcelos”. Câmara Municipal de Barcelos. Financiamento aprovado: 29.985,00€ + IVA. Elói Figueiredo (Investigador Responsável) e Luís O. Santos (LNEC, investigador co-responsável), 2019.
Arquitecta, professora e investigadora licenciada pela FAUTL (1991) e Mestre em Teoria da Arquitectura pela Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa (1998), Doutora em Artes Plásticas – Escultura – pela FBAUL (2013). Detém, também, uma segunda licenciatura, em Pintura, pela FBAUL (2013).
No contexto académico, iniciou actividade de docência na Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa (1992), na assistência à cadeira de Projecto do 4º ano do curso de Arquitectura.
Actualmente é professora auxiliar na ECATI-ULHT (1994), na Licenciatura com Mestrado Integrado em Arquitectura e lecciona Unidades Curriculares do âmbito do Projecto de Arquitectura (diversos níveis de Ensino) e do Desenho Arquitectónico. É investigadora integrada do ArqID (ULHT) e colaboradora do CITAD (UL).
Ainda no âmbito académico, tem realizado diversas conferências, publicações científicas e participado em workshops relacionados com os temas da investigação a que se dedica.
Desde 1992 que mantém actividade profissional no domínio da arquitectura, no seu Atelier.
Realiza projecto de Arquitectura e trabalha em Artes Plásticas como actividades paralelas à da docência. As diversas actividades complementam-se, enriquecendo-se mutuamente.
Desenvolve investigação no âmbito da arquitectura, no limiar das artes plásticas, avaliando particularidades da arquitectura, nos desenvolvimentos teóricos da disciplina.
Paiva, Luísa e Sequeira, João M. (2022) Desenho em Arquitectura. LabART edições. ISBN 978-989-53474-0-7.
PAIVA, Luísa (2021). PARTE 2 – Regimes de Ocularidade nos séculos XIX e XX, in Revista do CISDOM – Centro de Investigação do ISDOM, nº 1 – semestral online. (No prelo).
PAIVA, Luísa (2020). PARTE 1 – Regimes de Ocularidade nos séculos XVII e XVIII, in Revista do CISDOM – Centro de Investigação do ISDOM, nº 1 – semestral online.
PAIVA, Luísa (2018). Espaços do Feminino (pp-82 a 87), in Arquitectas: Modos de (R)Existir. Reflexões a partir de um ciclo de conversas, editoras Patrícia Santos Pedrosa, Joana Pestana Lages e Lía Gil Antunes. Lisboa: Mulheres na Arquitectura. ISBN: 978-989-20-8954-6.
PAIVA, Luísa (2017). Minimalismo – entre tempos (pp-61 a 69), in Branca 2 – revista de Arquitectura da Universidade da Beira Interior, com o tema Arquitectura, Arte e Espaço, Jorge Marum (director) e Renato Bocchi (editor convidado). Casal de Cambra: Caleidoscópio. ISSN: 2183-9190.
Paiva, Luísa (2016) Art and Architecture, in RETHINKING ART & ARCHITECTURE: A CHALLENGING INTERDISCIPLINARY GROUND, ed. By Zeynep Uludag, Gulsah Gülec. Nobel Publication. ISBN 978-605-320-533-3.
Paiva, Luísa (2014) Architectonic content of Pedras-Salgadas Spa & Nature Park – Networks of content to enrich the real (págs. 73 a 81) in New scenarios for the Touristic European Maritime Coast, Girona, Espanha. ISBN 978-84-9984-265-3.
Paiva, Luísa (2013) “A Cidade Replicada” in Chiado, Baixa e Confronto com o «francesismo» nas Artes e na Literatura – Arte Pública, Espaço Público. Quaresma, José (Coord.). Lisboa: Edição da Junta de Freguesia dos Mártires e CIEBA–FBAUL. ISBN: 9789898300515.
Paiva, Luísa (2011) “Nuvens por Juno” e “Sombras Chinesas” in O Chiado, a Baixa e a Esfera Pública: ensaios e exposições de Arte Pública. Quaresma, José (Coord.). Col. Chiado na Moda. Lisboa: Chiado na Moda, Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses (Ed.). ISBN: 9789729451508.
Paiva, Luísa (2010) “Engenhos de Vento” in Chiado: Efervescência Urbana, Artística e Literária de um Lugar. Quaresma, José & Dias, Fernando Rosa. Col. Chiado na Moda. Lisboa: CIEBA e FBA-UL. ISBN: 9789898300072.
Actualmente investiga sobre o uso e a evolução do desenho como parte integrante do processo de concepção arquitectónica. (sem projectos submetidos e/ou financiados pela FCT).
Pedro Maia is a Visual Artist, Researcher and Assistant Professor (Ph.D) of the Drawing Department of the School of Fine Arts of the University of Porto: Invited Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Drawing Scientific Area of the Master of Architecture at University Lusófona do Porto and Integrated Member of ARQ.ID, University Lusófona.
Since 2019 – Permanent Member of the Arq.ID scientific committee.
Since 2016 – Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture and Urbanism – Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias – Lisbon (PT). Coordinator of the scientific area of urbanism. Courses of Doctoral Degree in Architecture and Doctoral Degree in Urbanism. Jury member and thesis tutor. Organization and participation in international scientific projects, seminars and conferences.
Since 1999 – Assistant Professor at the Master Degree Course in Architecture – ISMAT, Portimão / Grupo Lusófona(PT).
2015/2018 – Guest Professor at EAC – École Supérieure d’Architecture de Casablanca (MA). Courses of History of Architecture and Urbanism. Organization of conferences and workshops.
2004/2007 – Lecturer at Universidade Moderna (Setúbal/PT).
Since 1999 he has developed projects in architecture and urban planning. Founder coordinator at Hugo Nazareth Fernandes Arquitectos Associados (Lisbon, PT). Member of the Portuguese Order of Architects.
Architectural project; design methodologies, geometry and mechanisms of architectural composition; urbanism and urban rehabilitation; urban morphology and urban design; history and theory of architecture; history and theory of urbanism; sustainable development in architecture and urbanism; industrial architecture; industrial archeology; urban sketching; music composition.
– António Varela o Legado do Invisível, Editora Caleidoscópio, Coll. “Pensar Arquitectura”, Lisboa, 2013 [monography, 280 pp.], ISBN: 978-989-658-225-8 (resumed adaptation of the homonymous thesis, 2nd PRIZE ICAR CORA 2011 – International Council for Architectural Research – ICAR-CORA PRIZE 2011 for Best Doctoral Thesis).
– António Varela ou do Arquitecto à Sombra de Gigantes ao Legado do Invisível, in Nós e os outros [chapter in exhibition catalog, 14 pp.], [coord. S. Leandro], Mimo – Museu da Imagem em Movimento, Ed. Câmara Municipal de Leiria, Leiria, 2018-2019, ISBN 978-972-8043-71-1.
– Tradition and modernity on fundamentals and diversities of Mediterranean architecture, in JOURNAL OF DESIGN FOR RESILIENCE IN ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING Volume 2, Issue 1, (17-27), 2021, [article, 10 pp.]. E-ISSN: 2757-6329.
– Identity trough diver(c)ity – in search of global and local strategies for the mediterranean architectural teaching,
in LOCAL+GLOBAL – innovative symbioses in architectural education (ARCHI-ME-DES, ERASMUS+/U.E.),International Colloquium Hosted by UPC Barcelona Tech – Valles School of Architecture ETSAV Thursday 21 – Friday 22 / July 2016[article, 4 pp.], ISBN: 978-618-83231-2-4